The Norris Lake Area Trail System (NATS) consist of state, county, city and Tennessee Valley Authority trails that surround Norris Lake in East Tennessee.  While each trail is managed by an independent organization, NATS is a partnership of these organizations with a concentrated purpose to determine the feasibility of constructing new trails, to take action to reconstruct more sustainable trails and to collaboratively market the trails to new users.  The NATS brand is owned and managed by the Norris Lake Project Team, which is a 501c3 Charitable Organization organized to preserve the natural beauty and conserve the natural resources of the Norris Lake Watershed area for the benefit of the residents and visitors to the area while assisting the local governments combat the deterioration of natural resources in the surrounding communities.

The Managing Organizations of NATS include representatives from:

  • Adventure Anderson County
  • Anderson County Park
  • Big Ridge State Park
  • City of Norris
  • Explore the Tennessee River Valley
  • Middle East Tennessee Tourism Council
  • Norris Dam State Park
  • Tennessee Valley Authority


Please contact the Norris Lake Project at or 865-659-2829 if you have questions or would like more information about NATS.